Why should we listen to your plan?
One advantage I have working as a software enginer is the ability understand reusability.Reusability in wiki is descibed as follows
In computer science and software engineering, reusability is the likelihood a segment of source code that can be used again to add new functionalities with slight or no modification. Reusable modules and classes reduce implementation time, increase the likelihood that prior testing and use has eliminated bugs and localizes code modifications when a change in implementation is required.
When modified to Human Life Cycle
In modern day life, reusability is the likelihood a segment of idea or work that can be used again to add new funda with slight or no modification. Reusable ideas and work reduce working time, increase the likelihood that work was successful before thus has eliminated problems and success rate will be possibly higer.
Now when I share my Ideas which already has been put to use.The best part is that you can use it too in your daily life royalty free.He he ofcoure I would appreciate if a small treat is given as token of credit.On a serious note if
Work when required Strategy
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This strategy in particular has actually proven very efficient and helpful for people like me who dont want to work extra but want to get all the benifits.Lets take a look into the strategy with a sample test case.
When I was recruited for Keane India back in 2007 I practically didnt have any idea about java.Though able to code in C++ ,I had my confidence level boosed up by the lab exams where I always was the one to walk early and secure a 98% marks.So what's the secret.Its simple.Just 10 days before the lab exam,
- Understand what each program gives as output with a specific set of Input
- Figure out the important segment of code.Remove all the un necessary display and formatting
- Get the code into practice all by myself in Home pc and once in Lab
And wallah..the magic was done.Net yield.I never used to attend lab sessions and got away with 0% attendance in Lab.
Now when I dont have any real task at hand I somehow feel that perhaps I am living my life to a complete waste.Nearly 1/10 th of my salary goes into having pizza and 1/10 th ino Cigrettes both of which I find very hard to resist.I have started a plan to reduce smoking and this particular article can be described as a foreward for that and much more.
Why all of a sudden are you thinking like this when you have everything you wanted?
Good question.
Yes truelly I have been blessed by a job in my dream sector(IT that is).And I do also have a sweet love whom I am planning to get married by the end of 2012 and I even got a hike after joining and working for 3 months.Ive got my own laptop and a dedicated Interent.I have also started saving money for the long term expense.My parents are happy about me.My brothers are happy about me.My friends are happy about me.And the best part is Maverick my once believed arch enemy is also finally in terms with me and we are good friends now..............
So what more do you want?
But something is still missing........After a long an deep thinking I found out that I am missing an Identity..Not the one given by the Indian Govt but the one I should have,the one which will identify me,my personality and my characteristics.Dont know if this is the outcome of playing too much Role Playing Games(RPG like Baldur's Gate,Deus Ex and Elder Scroll).
In real world I need to identify and exploit my strength and shield my weakness.One can never eliminate his/her weakness coz that my friend will simply mean like cutting you out.I wont be bothering you guys out with my self realization plans,however lets go by a generalized way of planning.
Plan For the World Domination
I feel like the evil mastermind Mojo jojo or in that case Megamind when I stared out the plan.Ye ha ha ha..Yes...its alive...its alive...oops!
Coming back to the point.
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- The first step is to sit quitely with yourself alone,in a peaceful place with something to write into.
- Take a deep breadth and try to think of nothing..just let your mind grasp the sound of nature(This is not Yoga or Pranayam)
- Ask yourself the question "What am I good at?"..Note them down..
- Repeat step 2
- Ask yourself the question "What are the things where I really mess up?"..Note them down..Preferably list them based on Priority.
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The lowest tab is week.The reason behind is that a month is too long for me to wait for the results and a day is too early to measure the pattern.
- What are the things you are planning to achieve in the next year
- i.Financial-->Total Savings,Total Salary Scale
- ii.Social-->Holidays,Vacations
- iii.Physical-->Get more weight/Loose more weight/Get fair complexion/Get dark complexion
- iv.Mental-->Ease of decissions/Speech fluency..
- Divide the possible goals into a Quarterly/Monthly and Weekly Review target.Not every plan will be weekly so the flexibility is there
- Get a fresh copy or even better a printout and stick it into a place where you will be visiting frequently in a day yet it will be hidden from normal view.
- Grab yourself a excel sheet or you can draw tables in paper and start to montior on the timeframe(Year>Quarterly-->Month-->Week) and give yourself scores and comments.
- Share them if they are not very private.That would give you the encouragement to follow.
- Give yourself treats and record them with snaps or audio clips.Listen to those when you feel depressed or feel moving away from targets.
The Real Drama
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People close to you may say that you are changing or might notice the change but not comment on it.Take the comments as critics.Feel free to discuss with your close ones about these changes.If required make a modification to the plan at the time of review(Year-->Quarterly-->Month-->Week).No matter what happens dont loose hope or motivation.Most important "Dont buy away your plans for a smaller cause".Its ok to have minor distractions but its the end result that matters.Like for me..someone might say the ways are radical and may not yield anything,even your inner entity might try to push you off the track.The key to survival is to hold on.
Signing Off
Santanu Ghosal
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