"The MP R S Katheria (BJP) is now rooting for an independent agency to inspect the boarded and barred basement of Taj Mahal. ''No one has been allowed to enter the 16 underground chambers for more than three decades and we have only ASI's word that all is well"
Times of India
The controversy if you can remember started a few years back by the Book "The Taj Mahal A True Story" by Dr P N Oak(ISBN-10: 0961161442 /ISBN-13: 978-0961161446 ).The book itself was published back in 1989 but was banned by Indian Govt fearing a public outcry and keeping its secular nature.
The Strangest thing is that not even a single news paper or a popular website is hosting any information about the Taj Mahal controversy as if a Taboo is placed on them for not to say anyting.
Here is a sample search screenshot.
I ve also tried with other search terms including
- Taj Mahal A True Story-->No News Sites.Amazon hits with the book(Limited Availability)
- Taj Mahal Controversy-->Interestingly BBC's 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' page turns up with an article where the author takes a neutral stance.
Best of all.There was a case fought by P N OAK for claiming Taj Mahal as Hindu Temple in Supreme Court.The news was only published in The Tribune.
Plea on Taj history dismissed
NEW DELHI: A self-proclaimed historian’s petition seeking to rewrite the history of Mughal monument Taj Mahal, which figures among the seven wonders of the world, has been dismissed by the Supreme Court as "misconceived". Somebody has a bee in his bonnet, hence this petition," was the remark of a Division Bench comprising Mr Justice SP Bharucha and Mr Justice Ruma Pal when the public interest litigation (PIL) came up for hearing on Monday. The self-proclaimed historian, PN Oak, claimed "the monument of world heritage, Tejomahalaya, commonly known as Taj Mahal, was constructed in 1155 A.D. by one Raja Parmar Dev’s Chief Minister, Salakshan." Oak claimed that the court chronicle of Shahjahan said "the mansion known as Raja Mansingh’s Manzil, at present owned by his grandson Jaisingh, was selected for the burial of Mumtaz and she was buried in it" and added he moved the court "to reestablish the truth and cultural heritage of our country". — PTI
Well I tried searching the archives.The news was on July 14th 2000.TOI has its archives from 2000.ABP since 2001.HT charges for its archives.Well The Hindu keeps from 2000.Yup Lucky me.....
Plea to rewrite Taj history dismissed
NEW DELHI, JULY 13. A self-proclaimed historian's petition seeking to rewrite the history of the Mughal monument Taj Mahal, which figures among the seven wonders of the world, has been dismissed by the Supreme Court as ``misconceived.''
``Somebody has a bee in his bonnet, hence this petition,'' was the remark of a Division Bench comprising Mr. Justice S.P. Bharucha and Ms. Justice Ruma Pal, when the Public Interest Litigation (PIL) came up for hearing on Monday.
``We repeat this is an abuse of the process of the court,'' Mr. Justice Bharucha reprimanded before counsel for the petitioner, Mr. Bijan Ghosh, withdrew the petition.
The petitioner, Mr. P.N. Oak, claimed that ``the monument of world heritage, Tejomahalaya, commonly known as Taj Mahal, was constructed in 1155 A.D. by one Raja Parmar Dev's Chief Minister, Salakshan.'' He claimed that the court chronicle of Shahjahan said ``the mansion known as Raja Mansingh's Manzil, at present owned by his grandson Jaisingh, was selected for the burial of Mumtaz and she was buried in it'' and added that he had moved the court ``to reestablish the truth and cultural heritage of our country.''
Rest was almost blank.
So Why Now Again ?
The Point is.Dont you think this is really a sensational topic and atleast should be properly discussed and reviewed by a Country.I wont go into the controversy about wether Taj Mahal is Tejo Mahalaya.Its past.A past which cant be changed.So what ever may be the result of the revelation of Taj Mahal,its not going to change anything in our daily life.In fact Taj Mahal is one of the Seven Wonders of the World and average Indians dont care wether it was built by a Hindu or a Muslim but rather prefer to enjoy the beauty of Taj Mahal in a full Moon Night...But We deserve to know the truth.Thats what matters.Instead of reading the wrong history in school text books we better know and project our history and heritage properly.
The Other Controversies
A longstanding myth holds that Shah Jahan planned a mausoleum to be built in black marble across the Yamuna river. The idea originates from fanciful writings of Jean-Baptiste Tavernier, a European traveller who visited Agra in 1665. It was suggested that Shah Jahan was overthrown by his son Aurangzeb before it could be built. Ruins of blackened marble across the river in Moonlight Garden, Mahtab Bagh, seemed to support this legend. However, excavations carried out in the 1990s found that they were discolored white stones that had turned black. A more credible theory for the origins of the black mausoleum was demonstrated in 2006 by archeologists who reconstructed part of the pool in the Moonlight Garden. A dark reflection of the white mausoleum could clearly be seen, befitting Shah Jahan's obsession with symmetry and the positioning of the pool itself.
No evidence exists for claims that describe, often in horrific detail, the deaths, dismemberments and mutilations which Shah Jahan supposedly inflicted on various architects and craftsmen associated with the tomb. Some stories claim that those involved in construction signed contracts committing themselves to have no part in any similar design. Similar claims are made for many famous buildings.
No evidence exists for claims that Lord William Bentinck, governor-general of India in the 1830s, supposedly planned to demolish the Taj Mahal and auction off the marble. Bentinck's biographer John Rosselli says that the story arose from Bentinck's fund-raising sale of discarded marble from Agra Fort.
Another myth suggests that beating the silhouette of the finial will cause water to come forth. To this day, officials find broken bangles surrounding the silhouette.
In 2000, India's Supreme Court dismissed P. N. Oak's petition to declare that a Hindu king built the Taj Mahal.Oak claimed that origins of the Taj, together with other historic structures in the country currently ascribed to Muslim sultans pre-date Muslim rule of India and thus, have a Hindu origin
Information gathered from Wikipedia
Hey Honey I've Got The Taj Mahal For Your Birthday
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Sale only for INR 10 Lakh |
What a country where Noble Prize and Taj Mahals can be purhcased.
Boiling Point
Maybe this is another of the secret things Indian Govt has decided to keep secret along with other secret things which is tabooed to be even mentioned by press or author.
Or maybe You need to wake up and start believeing that every history book is not true and every Govt has to hide something from Public.This is once again not a call to start a protest but just to be aware and use our own senses to judge instead of just reading news papers,blogs,email circulations,facebook or that loudmouth neighbour
Signing Off
Santanu Ghosal
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